4 Corners Canyon Climbers


Activities for prior years

In 2002, 4CCC raised funds for three different initiatives: 1) Help local families for Christmas, 2) the Colorado Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc (COA4WDCI) Suzuki Samari Raffle and 3) Raise public awareness for recreational use of Public Lands. 4CCC would like to thank residents of the 4 Corners area for all your support and generosity!

Operation Teddy Bear
4CCC joined with staff of Mesa Verde National Park to donate toys and games for children in programs at the 4 Corners Advocacy Center in Cortez. 4CCC contributed approximately $300 worth of toys and games to the cause.

Mesa Verde NP Administration Division staff with gifts for 4 Corners Advocacy Center in Cortez.

Cinco de Mayo
We set up a booth at the Cinco de Mayo festival in Cortez and had Kiva Car Toss and sold COA4WDCI raffle tickets, bouncy dog head toys, t-shirts and water balloon yoyos to raise funds. There was dancing and everyone enjoyed the warm, sunny weather.

Cinco de Mayo Dancers

Quincy, Clint, Nicole, Crystal

Quincy, Nicole and Jeep Killer Boody (Amanda)Kiva Car Toss Game

Judy helping the smallest Kiva Car Tosser!

Selling COA4WDCI raffle tickets - Mike & Flint makin da sales!

Mancos Fiddlers Festival
We set up a booth for both days and had fishing hole, pick a duck and bean bag toss games along with sales of hats, t-shirts and face painting and also sold COA4WDCI raffle tickets. We were a hit with the kids and enjoyed the fine fiddlers music.

4CCC Booth

Face Painting Hats sales by Bones!

Judy working Bean Bag Toss

Rodeo Parade
4CCC sold water and sodas along main street in Cortez during the Rodeo Parade to help raise funds.

Cortez Christmas Parade
4CCC members prepare Mike Dyster's Bronco for the parade at Maxwell's Automotive. Tires are all shined up and the Bronco is clean for the show. Flint is Santa Claus for a 3rd year in a row. We had a great time showing off for Cortez residents!

Quincy, Jim, Judy, Rollin, Michael & Mike with the Bronco

Flint waving to the crowds

Mike pulling the float on Main Street

A 4 Wheelers Christmas Dream........