Name _____________________________________________ D/O/B __________________ Spouse ___________________________________________ D/O/B __________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ ST ______ Zip ___________ Phone (home) ____________________ (work) ____________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact - Phone - Relation _______________________________________________________ Do you have a valid drivers license? NO ____ YES ____ Drivers License # ____________________ State _____ Do you carry the required amount of liability insurance for your state? NO ____ YES ____ Year of vehicle ______ Make/Model _____________________________________________
What level of 4 wheel driver are you? Experienced ____ Moderate ____ Beginner____ What do you think you would most enjoy in this club?
By joining the 4 Corners Canyon Climbers of Cortez, I signify that I am aware of the risks and dangers involved. In the case of an accident where I or my vehicle are hurt or damaged in any way, I hereby release the 4 Corners Canyon Climbers for all liability and responsibility. Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________ BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE BYLAWS THAT GOVERN THE 4 CORNERS CANYON CLIMBERS CLUB -- Updated 3/15/03 |