4 Corners Canyon Climbers

Land Use Links
This section of our website is intended to keep you informed of, and provide links to, Public Land Use issues. Please feel free to contact the webmistress if we have left an important issue or link off of the site.

Property Rights Petition

The following document was created by the National Forest Defense Alliance. This document is designed to be posted in your vehicle, in lieu of any parking pass that is part of the Recreational Fee Demonstration Program, during a visit to a National Forest to notify a Forest Service employee that you are not recreating during your visit. Like any information posted on this site, you can reproduce it for your own use. If you would like to obtain a professionally printed Notice of Exemption, contact the NFDA via e-mail, regular mail, or phone.


Blue Ribbon Coalition

Tread Lightly!

OffRoad.Com Land Use

Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition